Even with the glob­al pan­dem­ic rolling on, the world of foot­ball trans­fers nev­er sleeps. And so, the Wyscout Forum remains as cru­cial as ever to pro­vide high-val­ue net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties to clubs, inter­me­di­aries and agen­cies world­wide — albeit with one key dif­fer­ence in 2020.

This year Wyscout Forum went vir­tu­al — allow­ing par­tic­i­pa­tion from the com­fort of homes, train­ing grounds and offices world­wide. Building net­works, sched­ul­ing meet­ings, start­ing nego­ti­a­tions, all tak­ing place online.

The 2020 Wyscout Forum includ­ed over 280 par­tic­i­pants from 39 coun­tries, request­ing more than 2500 meet­ings over the two day event. Here’s some key sta­tis­tics to paint a pic­ture of the glob­al reach of this event:

  • 280 active par­tic­i­pants made up of 162 Club execs & 118 agents
  • 135 indi­vid­ual clubs from around the world
  • 39 coun­tries from Japan to Peru
  • 2000+ meet­ings sched­uled over the 2 days
  • 86 Meetings organ­ised by pro­fes­sion­al club AZ Alkmaar
  • 12786 mes­sages were sent on the online plat­form between participants

“It’s a great way to con­nect, to get close to clubs and peo­ple who live in foot­ball. I have already par­tic­i­pat­ed before, foot­ball is inter­na­tion­al and for this rea­son it is impor­tant to meet peo­ple from all over the world. Even remote­ly as this year”, said Aasmund Bjørkan, Sporting Director at Bodø/​Glimt of Norway’s Eliteserien.

Leeds United Head of European Recruitment Gabriel Ruiz also spoke pos­i­tive­ly of this vir­tu­al edi­tion, say­ing, ​“a new expe­ri­ence for us. In the many meet­ings we talked about the feel­ing in dis­cussing trans­fers this way, remote­ly. It was dif­fer­ent but very use­ful, although we hope to be able to return soon to do it in person”.