Assist cut one Wisconsin coach’s post-game workload in half while supplying him with NBA-level stats.

As a father of six, Kevin Orr doesn’t have much spare time. The boys head coach at Rice Lake High School (Wisc.) is always searching for ways to free up a few more hours to spend with his family.

So when he heard about Hudl Assist and the schedule-altering benefits it has given other coaches, he jumped at the chance to try it. But even he couldn’t imagine how much it would alter his workflow.

“My workload was probably cut in half,” Orr said. “That provided me more time to spend with my family. It freed up time because instead of spending hours upon hours breaking down film, Hudl Assist does it for me.”

Before Assist, the burden of breaking down each game fell on Orr or one of his assistants. Friday nights after games became marathons of tagging the contest, watching each possession and creating playlists to send to players.

Assist removed the busy work from the equation. It allowed Orr to jump right into steps that would improve his team, a time-saving move that helped Rice Lake post an 18-6 record last year.

“You’d have to watch the whole game and cut it up accordingly,” Orr said. “You had to do everything yourself. That took a lot of time to do that, and then if you wanted to create edits for your guys to watch, you had to do that. All that takes quite a bit of time to do. With Assist, within 24 hours, and typically I found it faster, you have all your offensive possessions right there. Maybe you just want to watch the defense. That’s all broken down for you.”

But spare time wasn’t the only benefit Assist provided Orr. It also gave him advanced stats that helped him either confirm his thoughts on a game or learn more about his team. With one click, Hudl populated playlists to view every play associated with that statistic.

“There is so much analytics that you can use from Hudl,” Orr said. “You can find your best lineups. You can play three to five games and it’s going to show you what your best lineups are. The Value Point System is going to show you which kids are producing the greatest results. I think all that stuff is awesome. You can really look at certain things and find certain areas that you need to work on. If we’re turning the ball over too much, how are we turning the ball over? You can click on your turnovers and see them all.”

“You’re crazy if you don’t take full advantage of Hudl. This is what NBA teams are doing. You’re going to save time, which you can invest in preparing for practice or scouting purposes.”

Assist proved to be a major game changer for Orr and Rice Lake. Could it do the same for your team? Find out today.